The Recipe for Success πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ³ Building the Perfect Grad Development Mentoring Program

Building an amazing mentoring program is a little like baking the perfect cake 🍰

And we think we’ve perfected the recipe.

And we mean perfected, like the hand me down written recipe from your great great grandmas recipe stash.

It only takes four key ingredients [and you've probably got them all in your cupboard]

πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ³ A spoonful of great matching
πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ³ A splash of over communicating
πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ³ A cup of curated learning
πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ³ And a sprinkle of human support

πŸ₯£ Mix it all up, bake at 180 for 30 mins and you'll end up with a mentoring program that delights your grads.

And now we’ve mastered it, we want to share it with you so you can add it into your mentoring program too

Over the next four blog posts we’re going to break down each ingredient.

Share why it’s important and tell you exactly how we use it in our mentoring programs.

Our hope is that you can take inspiration and use our learnings to revamp your own mentoring program and make the best experience possible for your grads.

And if you want to get a sneak peak of ingredient #2 - essential touch points in month one you can join our mini mentoring experience and feel exactly what out mentees experience in month one πŸ”₯

See you in the next one where we go deep on crafting the perfect match 🎯


Soft Skills, Strong Future: Gen Z Grads & Mastering Interpersonal Connections